Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's just a grandma thing.

me: I'm gonna name it Did You Eat ?For my grandma
Mary: Aw haha that's cute
That's what i thought of when i read it, actually
My grandma. Not yours.
me: Really?!
Mary: Yeah.
Mary: That's just a grandma thing.

It's true. It is just a grandma thing.

One of the memories I have of my grandma is that every time she called our house, she'd always ask if we'd eaten yet. She made sure that we were always fed, nurtured and happy. Pu-pu (that's grandma to me and Ming, my brother)... I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. That's what my late Grandpa used to ask me too! "Lisha Nichole, did you eat? Go get some lau lau, I just made it for you, extra spinach!"
