Thursday, June 12, 2008

Martha Stewart's Macaroni and Cheese

I've read from a few blog's that Martha's Macaroni and Cheese is pretty much the king of all Mac 'n Cheeses. (Wipe the drool off your face, Mary.) So, when Phil requested Mac 'n Cheese I knew I had to try this recipe. The recipe makes a large portion, 12 servings, but I was easily able to cut the recipe in half. I still used 2 tablespoons of butter to make the bread crumbs, which would have only been one if I stuck to halving everything. We had two good sized servings for dinner and enough for lunch the next day. Another thing I heard that was really great about this recipe is that leftovers heat up well, which doesn't always happen with other Mac 'n Cheeses.

The dish was hot and creamy and friggin delicious. You can really tell that the nutmeg is in there and it isn't overpowering. I think I will definitely be going back to this recipe whenever I have the hankering for Mac 'n Cheese (sorry blue box.)


  1. Um . . .3 postings in one week is hard to keep up with but here goes: I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE (the end)and I actually think I make it pretty well, but this looks amazing. Remember when Jason made Blue Cheese Mac and Cheese? Yum freakin YUm. Shout out to J Ling! Bacon and green onions are also really good in this classic dish. Phil's a lucky lucky boy.
