Saturday, April 12, 2008

Just Bragging...

"Oh, Sylvia! Where did you get that shiny, huge, perfectly red cherry for your giant cupcake? They're not even in season yet!"


As I was decorating the cake and putting my finishing touches on it, I felt that the cupcake was missing a certain something. Was it more frosting? No. Was it giant sprinkles? Maybe. Is it a big red cherry? Oh definitely, yes!

I didn't want to make a trip out to the store so I played around with a few ideas. First, I mushed up some cake scraps and tried to make a ball, but it just fell apart over and over again. Then, I noticed some cookie dough in my freezer. Brilliant! I cut off a small piece and rolled it in my hands to form a small ball. Then, I rolled it around in some red food coloring and viola! The stem is made from a toothpick bent in a couple places and painted with food coloring. Now, you've got yourself an awesome decorative cherry!