Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lemon Pound Cake

In most cases, I don't like lemons. I think they spoil my food. Then again, sometimes I think I'm a cooking retard. I asked "Are there uses for lemons other than in a thirst quenching lemonade or... (I don't know what else lemons are used for)?" All I know is that my parents hardly ever used lemons for anything, and always gave away our yearly lemon crop from our backyard. But I'm beginning to think I'm wrong about lemons. It makes food taste good, but in the right dose. For example, I was looking for a quick dinner and didn't feel like eating out. So, I found a recipe for Shrimp Scampi Linguini by the Barefoot Contessa, which called for a little bit of lemon juice added at the end. I thought that the lemon added just the right something. Who knew?! Lots of people, I'm sure. One thing I have always loved that uses lemons is lemon pound cake. Ask Phil. I must have told him a thousand times that I love lemon pound cake. With that said, this week's recipe is Gale Gand's Lemon Pound Cake

The cake turned out nice and dense, like a pound cake should be. The recipe calls for a lemon-sugar glaze at the end and I have to say that it gave the cake too much lemony-ness (that's not a word, I know). I should have read through all the reviews, because many others agreed. Also, I think I was looking for a cake with an icing, not a glaze, balancing sour and sweet. Anyways, this is my first pound cake and all in all I think it turned out well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Plating! Lemon Pound Cake and English Breakfast Tea with a dash of cream and sugar. Who says you can't eat cake for breakfast?
